Providing funds in further Education for marginalised youth

It all began with an urgent message from one of our partners in Uganda (JOIN UGANDA). A student at the college where JOIN-UG was ministering had just completed her 3 years of study under a scholarship program through the College and was waiting to undergo her final exams. Several weeks before the final exams however she was told by the College that she would be unable to sit the exams unless all the tuition fees arrears were paid. This came as a shock, as apparently the College benefactor had passed away without paying the College Scholarship Fund had and now the College was left to collect fees from the students themselves. Left totally distraught with no ability to pay 3 years of her life were at stake and still an inability to get work left her in despair. Together with our partners her arrears were paid in time for the exams allowing her to complete the final year. Further support has now been provided to resolve her necessary identity documents and her hospital placement travel and accommodation expenses. When her Nursing Graduation Certificate arrives this will allow her to work and get paid to progress her life and help others in her community.

This story is not an isolated one but one story of many in providing assistance to individuals who are left stranded through no fault of their own but are still loved by God and have such an importance in His plan.

The pictures below show the Hospital in Kitgum, Northern Uganda where she undertook her work placement whilst waiting for her Qualification Certificate.


Village Savings & Loans (VSLA's)


Alternative Fuels for Households